Home Cuba Cuba Has No Room for More Spy Scandals – Havana Times

Cuba Has No Room for More Spy Scandals – Havana Times

Cuba Has No Room for More Spy Scandals – Havana Times
Manuel Rocha was arrested on December 1st in Miami.

By Benjamin Noria

HAVANA TIMES – I just found out today that Manuel Rocha, 73, a former diplomat originally from Colombia and who grew up in New York, was arrested approximately for spying on the US Government and giving this information to the Cuban Government.

Rocha was the US Ambassador in Bolivia; he also served terms in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Havana, Mexico City, the Dominican Republic and Washington DC. He has been accused of spying for Cuba over 40 years. He was discovered by an FBI agent in the US. This infiltration is considered one of the highest-reaching and longest-lasting in US history.

Rocha had begun working with Fidel Castro’s regime as an undercover spy since 1981.

Last Monday, the United States Department of Justice confirmed the indictment of Rocha for crimes including: colluding to act as an agent for a foreign government, acting as an agent for a foreign government without previous government consent, and using a US passport, acquired having made false statements.

Attorney-General Merrick Garland said: “those who have the privilege of serving in the government of the United States are given an enormous amount of trust by the public we serve. To betray that trust by falsely pledging loyalty to the United States while serving a foreign power is a crime that will be met with the full force of the Justice Department.” 

That said, the Cuban Government doesn’t have any more room for scandals. Let’s see how they justify this one. When the “Cuban-Five” spies were discovered, Rene Gonzalez, Gerardo Hernandez, Antonio Guerrero, Ramon Labañino and Fernando Gonzalez said that the Cuban Government had the right to defend itself against attacks from terrorists in Miami and that what they did didn’t pose a threat to US national security.

Poor things, the Cuban Government is very naive and harmless. Nothing they do presents a threat; they’re just doing things to help reach world peace. They’re not doing anything with second intentions, they are driven by their unconditional love for humanity.

What they accuse the US of doing at every roundtable, open hearing and speech on Cuban TV is exactly what they are doing daily to stay in power and not lose their privileges.

Let’s be clear, they aren’t spying on the US to look out for the Cuban people, but rather to protect their assets, businesses and to keep their families comfortable in the country.  

Right now, the Cuban Government is paying 10,000-15,000 Cuban pesos per month to military members, which is more than what doctors, engineers or lawyers earn, just so they can ensure the Armed Forces watch their backs and prevent a coup d’etat.

The Cuban Government has another stain on its reputation, yet again. The Government never pays though unfortunately, it’s the Cuban people who are directly impacted by the consequences of their clumsy actions.

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