Home Cuba Niuyol: A Parole for Cuba's Diaz-Canel – Havana Times

Niuyol: A Parole for Cuba's Diaz-Canel – Havana Times

Niuyol: A Parole for Cuba's Diaz-Canel – Havana Times
Niuyol: A Parole for Cuba's Diaz-Canel – Havana Times
  • Miguel Diaz-Canel Bermudez reflects the views of most Cubans. Rather than spend time in Cuba addressing the plight of his fellow countrymen, Miguel travels to other countries as much as he can, popping up all over the globe. Russia, China, Vietnam, Venezuela, the US, Mexico, Nicaragua, the list is endless. But the purposes of all the gallivanting are self-evident! Avoidance of watching Cuba sinking into the economic abyss, and opportunity to hand around the begging bowl, while he and his spouse enjoy sampling the various gastronomic joys. New suits to fit the expanding waistline!

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