Home Cuba Macro Photography of Water Drops – Havana Times

Macro Photography of Water Drops – Havana Times

Macro Photography of Water Drops – Havana Times

Photo Feature by Ernesto Gonzalez Diaz

HAVANA TIMES – Macro photography is when the subject or object being photographed is smaller than the camera sensor. For example, when we photograph a person, that person is much larger than the camera sensor, and when the photograph is printed, it appears smaller than the person. The same applies when photographing a building or a landscape.

On the other hand, if we photograph a water drop, a small insect, or a tiny detail of a human body, barely perceptible to the naked eye, these subjects are smaller than the camera sensor and in the photograph they appear larger than they actually are, sometimes up to twenty times larger.

In technical terms, macro images reproduce the object or subject photographed with a magnification ratio of at least 1:1, meaning at least the same size as in reality. For example, with a 5:1 ratio, the photographed object would appear five times smaller than it appears in the photograph. It’s as if we were photographing with a magnifying glass.

Macro photography is highly useful and has various applications in science and medicine, as well as artistic appeal. For this type of photography, macro lenses are used, which are designed to focus precisely at very close distances. Accessories can also be used to further decrease the minimum focusing distance.

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