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Superficial Love – Havana Times

By Kamil Kenders

HAVANA TIMES – Are you looking for ideas on how to spend Valentine’s Day on February 14th in Cuba? To be honest, I don’t believe in using specific dates to express love. Such days are nothing but excuses for businesses to make money. However, I understand that some people enjoy these days and I don’t want to take away from their joy. Nonetheless, I would like to share my opinion on the matter.

Social networks have been utilized to portray a facade of happiness and a life that doesn’t necessarily represent our reality. During this time of year, people tend to express affection by purchasing and exchanging gifts. Consequently, many feel the need to showcase a perfect life. Similarly, for Valentine’s Day, the same behavior is expected to take place.

Facebook and Instagram are popular platforms where people tend to post their memorable moments. They often showcase these moments with gifts such as roses, chocolates, postcards, and dinners at fancy restaurants. However, what truly matters to people is being able to enjoy life with their loved ones, not just for a day but for a lifetime.

Whether it’s spending time at home watching a movie, cooking together, and raising a toast with a glass of wine (maybe homemade) or simply being happy together without worrying about showing off on social media. Some people might believe that going out and spending a lot of money would prove their love, but in reality, they would rather cherish the time spent with their loved ones without any pressure to impress anyone.

However, how many of us can afford to spend such a large amount of money on a bouquet (costing more than 1000 pusos), fancy chocolates, and a “spectacular” menu at a Cuban restaurant in today’s world? While it is true that “it is a special day” and you are right, but let’s be honest and reasonable. These are not the times to spend your entire salary in one day.

Valentine’s Day is coming up, but let’s remember that the year has 365 days, and this year being a leap year has 366 days. We should take advantage of every second of the year to show our love most simply and honestly possible. The great Cuban writer and poet Jose Martí once said in one of his letters to María Mantilla, “Who has much inside, needs little outside… Pass quietly among vain people. Your soul is your silk, leave the frivolous world to others. You are worth more: Smile and pass by”.

Read more from the diary of Kamil Kenders here on Havana Times.

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