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HomeCubaNew Round of Colombia–ELN Peace Talks Begin in Havana - Havana Times

New Round of Colombia–ELN Peace Talks Begin in Havana – Havana Times

By Javier Herrera

HAVANA TIMES – On Monday, January 22, the Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN) met in Havana to begin the 6th round of negotiations in an attempt to achieve peace and the demobilization of the insurgent group. The ELN has been widely labeled as a drug trafficker and terrorist organization.

The talks take place in Havana, Cuba, the sponsor of the dialogues, along with Mexico and Venezuela, while Brazil, Chile, and Norway act as guarantors. Germany, Sweden, Spain, Switzerland, along with a special envoy from the Secretary-General of the United Nations, participate as observers.

Havana hosted the third round between May 2 and June 9, 2023, where an agreement on a six-month bilateral ceasefire was reached. This agreement is set to expire on January 29 and is a central topic in the current discussions.

Another key issue to address is the practice of kidnapping and extortion as an economic means of subsistence for the insurgent group. Despite the importance of this topic, the ELN demands that, in exchange for ceasing this criminal activity (clearly violating international conventions), the Colombian government allocate funds to finance the armed group. They claim that if this does not happen, they will not abandon the practice, as it represents a significant source of funding.

Despite the ELN’s ambiguous position on the issue of kidnappings, Colombian President Gustavo Petro, on December 17, along with the guerrilla group, announced a clear commitment to end the practice of kidnapping starting from January 30 of the current year.

Other topics to be addressed during the important meeting include the six points on the agenda of this peace process:

– Participation of society in building peace

– Democracy for peace

– Transformations for peace

– Victims

– End of the armed conflict

– General plan for the implementation of agreements between the Colombian government and the National Liberation Army (ELN).

The delegations will be in Havana until early February, attempting to establish agreements that allow progress in the peace agreements sought. Unlike previous rounds of talks where the press was invited, this 6th round of negotiations will be held behind closed doors.

It is noteworthy that Cuba played a significant role in the peace talks between the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (FARC-EP) and the Colombian government, leading to the demobilization of the insurgent group and its subsequent reintegration into the social and political life of the nation, putting an end to more than 50 years of war. After achieving peace with the FARC, it was time to negotiate with the ELN, and Cuba has similarly served as an intermediary, venue, and guarantor of the discussions.

Read more from Cuba here on Havana Times.

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