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Cuba hopes to welcome 3 million tourists in 2024, according to a regime’s statement at a fair in Spain

MADRID, Spain – The Cuban government aims to welcome three million tourists in 2024, said the Cuban Minister of Tourism, Juan Carlos García Granda, at the international tourism fair, FITUR, currently taking place in Madrid.

During his participation in FITUR, García Granda reported that Cuba closed the year 2023 with 2.4 million visitors, stating that the aspiration to surpass three million appears insufficient when compared to the levels recorded in 2018. He emphasized that the current tourism activity represents less than 60% of what it was in those years, which he considered unsatisfactory.

According to the minister, as reported by EFE news agency, one of the main obstacles to the recovery of tourism was the decision of the United States, which went into effect on January 12, 2021, which prevents Europeans visiting Cuba from opting for the Visa Waiver Program known as ESTA. García Granda highlighted that this measure, although initially not having a significant impact, has begun to be felt and has affected the flow of European tourists to the island.

However, he did not mention the economic and health crises, nor did he mention the level of insecurity with which people live in Cuba, which are decisive factors causing many foreigners not to visit the island.

To counteract the decrease in the flow of European tourists, the Cuban government is exploring other markets such as the Russian, Turkish, Chinese, Gulf countries, and Latin American markets, García Granda stated.

Likewise, he emphasized the importance of prioritizing the Latin American market and the community of Cuban residents abroad, for whom a stimulus policy is being implemented. He also indicated their aspiration for this market to become the second-largest source of tourists to Cuba.

During the Madrid fair, the regime presented the “Cuba Única” campaign, which has been showcased in various countries since 2022, with the aim of reviving the crucial tourism sector for their economy.

Several economists on the island warned a few months ago that the food, health, and fuel crisis that Cuba is going through would make almost impossible the recovery of tourism to pre-pandemic levels.

“The very complex economic situation affects tourism because, for example, a tourist needs to rent a car to move around the country and there is no fuel, or sometimes in a five-star hotel, there are not enough supplies,” said Cuban professor Omar Everleny to the EFE news agency. He also considered that “it is necessary to invest in a competitive non-hotel industry because if the tourist only spends money at the hotel, the income for that facility will be minimal.”

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